Resurrection Effect
200 Words: Respect and love for difference and sexual complementarity leads to unity
The resurrection has effects:
The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul; no one claimed for his own use anything that he had, as everything they owned was held in common (Acts 4).
Unity, not uniformity, is the first effect.
Remember Genesis:
Darkness, empty and chaos reigns, yet God speaks and there is light, fullness and order (Genesis 1).
Genesis speaks of the creation of humanity – male and female. Pope Benedict XVI observed:
An ordered world is born out of differences, carrying with them also the promise of relationships (Collaboration of Men and Women, 2004).
Respect and love for difference and sexual complementarity leads to unity.
The efforts of elites to deny and suppress sexual difference is doomed to failure because it denies reality and the resurrection.
Second resurrection effect.
The early disciples establish an important principle:
The right to private property, orientated to the common good.
We have a definite right to possess money, land and property, but we should use it as if it belonged to everyone.
The family home is a practical example:
Husband and wife possess a home, yet children and friends use it.
A very helpful distinction:
Possession and use.