The empty tomb leads to an entirely new question in human history:
The women, confronted with the absence of the dead body of Jesus in the tomb, were exposed to a new form of questioning, ‘Why do you seek the living among the dead’ (Kelly, Meditations On Holy Week, 65).
The resurrection and the appearances of Jesus confirm the importance of this penetrating question. What has taken place is entirely without precedent.
The language chosen by the four evangelists is important.
Concerning the fact of resurrection, they tell us that Jesus was ‘raised from death by his Father.’ Concerning the appearances of Jesus, they tell us that ‘Jesus let himself be seen.’
By using the passive tense, for both the resurrection itself and for the appearances, we begin to understand that Jesus is completely dependent upon his Father.
Father and Son work together as a team. Mutuality is the name of the game.
The implications for our spiritual life are important:
Are we going to say a few prayers here and there, but largely carry on as if God does not exist, or are we going to depend entirely on God?
Best make up our mind.